Friday, June 7, 2013

Coconut Oil

So my newest obsession is coconut oil. Not only is it great for you, but it is delicious too! I have been incorporating coconut oil into my diet everyday since Monday. Yesterday I felt completely amazing! I had so much energy, and I was just in a great mood. I found this yesterday while reading up on it. Take a look at just how amazing this tropical fruit is for you.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby Steps

Do you relate to any of the following thoughts?

"I'd like to work out more, I just don't have time."

"I hate running, it is way too hard!"

"I love food too much to eat better."

"I honestly just don't know where to begin."

These statements are extremely common. We have all thought them at some point and I am sure most of us have said them out loud. These statements all may be true, but are they holding you back?

About 3 years ago, I said the very same statements even though I was running competitively, I simply did not understand what good nutrition was and how to properly fuel for everything I was putting my body through. Instead of eating many greens, proteins, and complex carbohydrates, I was merely "carbo loading" all the time! As a result, I was 15 pounds heavier (and remember I am 5'1'') and sluggish in my running and daily life. I attribute this to my lack of knowledge and as hard as I was working and trying, I was just going backwards.

Although, I look back at those days and wish, "If only I knew then what I know now" I also am thankful now for the knowledge that I have gained. I use this knowledge to pursue a lifestyle of balance and also find that I enjoy my food much more now then I did before.

Focusing on your health means embracing your creativity. You are the artist in designing colorful meals that send your taste buds to the moon and back. You are the designer in creating meals that keep you sustained and alert, meals that carry you throughout the day to be efficient and productive. Embrace your creativity and find the flavors that you love to eat.

Embrace spices to add flavor to your food before resorting to oils and dressings. Experiment, there is no failure. On that note here are some marinade/dressing combos you can add to stir fries and salads that I have created:

-1 tbs Miso Paste (same paste used to make Miso soup in sushi restaurants)
-1 tsp Chili Garlic Paste
-Half Lemon
-2 tsp Soy Sauce (Low Sodium if you can)
-1 tsp Garlic
-1 tsp Sesame Oil

Mix and enjoy

-1 tbs Turmeric
-1 tbs Siracha
-Half Lemon
-Dash of Cumin, Salt, and Pepper
-1 tsp Olive Oil

Mix and enjoy

Be your own culinary artist and share your wonderful recipes please :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Where the Heart is

As the weeks approached leading up to the Boston Marathon quickly crept up on me, I became excited and also nervous. I went into the Detroit Marathon naive with no idea of what racing 26.2 miles would feel like. Lets just say it really took everything I had and so I anticipated the pain of my next to be unbearable!

Ever since I was young, I heard about the Boston Marathon. I have been a competitive runner since I was in 7th grade so I have invested 12 years of my life into this sport. To be honest, I had no idea what it would be like. I don't like to build things up to be huge because I get nervous so I down played what a big deal going to Boston was. Well lets just say when I arrived to Boston Saturday night, I quickly learned what this magic was about.

In all my years of running, no place ever captured me like this one. Waiting to check into the hotel, which was connected to the Expo (we had no idea so this was exciting for us) I met two of the nicest ladies who were so generous in sharing their abundance of information on the Boston Marathon with me. Our hotel was the Sheraton Boston which was about 2 blocks from the finish line, at the time we thought we were so lucky for choosing that one. Everything felt so right, so magical.

As the weekend rolled on, I made some of the greatest connections with people who loved running more than I do which is impressive! I met people who had run the marathon for 3,4, 5,7, even 30 years. They built up excitement in me and countless moments, I found myself tearing up at the thought of how beautiful this sport is and the breed of people it brings.

The morning of the race, my mom and I walked with the other 27,000 runners to the shuttle buses. I stood in the crowd of people, hearing bits of conversation about how many marathons they have run and where they came to Boston from. As I finally took a seat on the bus, a woman sat next to me. We quickly learned we had the same qualifying time and ended up becoming fast friends. We spent the 3 hour wait in Athlete's Village together and kept each other from getting too antsy about the race.

We met a man who told us that he had run 54 marathons but technically this was his first. When we asked him why, he said that he had gone through Chemotherapy last year and this would be his first marathon back. Both of us immediately cried when he told us, the thing about that weekend was you didn't have to hold back your emotions. Runners are passionate people and it was okay to express how you were feeling, how happy you were to be surrounded by people who truly care about life and embracing their passions.

Most of the talk about the Boston Marathon, unfortunately has unfolded into the bombing situation and so I am writing this post to also remind people of the beauty of this race and of that day before everything unfolded. I have never enjoyed a race more in my entire life. I became emotional at mile 24 thinking of how lucky I was to be there at that moment, surrounded by people who were fulfilling their dreams, by crowds who got us through the race. There is no way any of us could make it through that distance (except the pros probably) without the support from the sidelines. From the kids handing us water cups, giving us high five or from the people holding signs that say "You are Amazing."

Never in my life have I been so touched and overcome with such pride in this sport. But the true amazing people are not only the runners, but also the fans that come to enjoy this moment. My mom who anxiously waited over 3 hours for me to run a race and spend way too much money on a hotel and flight and warm weather clothes that I neglected to pack now that I am all Southern and spoiled!

When the bombs went off, my mom and I were two blocks from it. We saw the smoke, we saw the crowd run. We stayed in Cambridge that night later learning we were a mile from the suspects home. This definitely does not comfort my mind but what does comfort it is the support we received that night. The calls, texts, facebook posts, the love we knew we had behind us.

As I am trying to move on past that day, I am just looking at my life differently. I am one of the luckiest people in the world and so thankful to be here today to share this story. I hope after this weekend people are inspired to follow their dreams. It does not have to be running related or even sports related, but related to what makes you happy and brings out the best in you.

I will be back to Boston again to run that marathon, I will combine with other runners around the world to make sure our sport stays alive. Always keep in mind where the heart is...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Biggest scare of my life

I'm sure many of you have heard about what has happened at the Boston Marathon today. Danielle, being the superstar that she is ran it today. I am so proud of her for doing it, she ran an incredible time. I am also so thankful that nothing happened to her today. My mom was there with her and I finally just got to speak with them. I am so so so thankful they are ok. Hearing their voices was the biggest relief I have ever had. I don't know what I would do without my two best friends in the world. I don't think I will feel completely ok until I see them both back home and safe again. Say a prayer or send your good vibes to those in Boston right now.

I love you two more than you could ever imagine and I can't wait to see you home soon so I truly know you're safe.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy belated siblings day!

So yesterday I was not aware it was siblings day until the best sibling ever (Fensta aka Danielle) wished me a happy siblings day. It completely made my night better. I haven't been feeling the best lately, and it was just a nice surprise. Go ahead and just remind your loved ones how wonderful they are to you; it will make them feel good and in return make you feel good too!

Miss you fensta I can't wait to see you in May <3 your best friend.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Homemade Deep Conditioner

I have been really enjoying making my own shampoo and conditioner, but I really wanted to make a deep conditioner just to keep my hair feeling extra nourished. Immediately after my run this afternoon, I whipped up some ingredients I had lying around:

half an avocado
2 tbs Mayo
1/2 lemon juice from a small lemon
1 tsp Argon Oil
1 tsp Castor Oil
2 tsp Water

Then blend all of these together and apply to your hair from root to tip. The conditioner will kind of look like guacamole, I almost wanted to grab some chips and eat it..sadly I am not kidding. Cover your hair with a shower cap or a plastic grocery bag if you don't have a shower cap and let the conditioner sit on your hair for about 20-30 minutes.

After you take off the cap or plastic bag wash your hair thoroughly with a little baking soda and water. Then rinse ends with diluted apple cider vinegar to balance the ph level. This will leave your hair feeling shinier and softer and reduce the greasy after feeling deep conditioners leave. Using a deep conditioner will always give your hair an initial heavier feeling but by the next day it should be back to normal after a good wash.

Successful Healthy Cookies

I finally baked "healthy" cookies that have turned out and taste great!

All I did was blend together:
-3 Big Carrots
-3 Ripe Bananas
-2 Cups Raw Oats
-2 tbs Cacoa Powder (rich in antioxidants)
-2 tbs Ground Flaxseed
-1 tsp Baking Soda
-1 tsp Nutmeg
-1 tsp Cinnamon
-1 tsp Vanilla Extract

After that I added Chocolate Chips and baked my cookies on a sheet at 350. Tasty, healthy (not in just a low fat way) but in the form of antioxidants in your cookies, and easy to bake. Enjoy :)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Do your Research

In a previous post, I posted about how I used Petroleum Oil for my eyes and baby oil for skin and shaving cream. I was researching the origin of these products and read that the ingredient in these products is mineral oil which is actually a derivative of crude oil and could have some toxicity. I am not a great science person and I do not believe everything I read but I just wanted to post this and see what others thoughts are on this? Is it bad? Is it actually okay?
The following is one of the sources I found some of the information on:

Currently I am using grapeseed oil for my entire moisturizer and just took a break from the Petroleum Jelly. Interested to hear thoughts :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Homemade Shampoo Update after about 3.5 months

I apologize for not posting in what seems like forever..been getting busy and finally working which is a good thing!

It has been about 3.5 months since I switched over to the homemade shampoo and conditioner.

I actually have been making my shampoo now with a very little amount of Castile Soap (for scent and lather), baking soda, cornstarch, and water and my hair is feeling better then ever! My sister tried this when she was visiting me and transitioned much quicker using this shampoo as opposed to the original recipe that I posted.

Cornstarch absorbs grease while baking soda cleanses your hair. This combination has been amazing and very inexpensive!

For the conditioner, I am just using diluted apple cider vinegar mixed with a fruity bag of tea.

My hair has grown tremendously ever since the switch and feels really healthy and clean.

I hope this is helpful!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Brutal leg workout

My legs almost give out at the end, it's so hard but so good! Try it out

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Abs and Obliques Burn

Once again awkward, but definitely a good video. I'm almost too out of breath to talk at the end. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Millet and Lentil Veggie Burgers

So I am falling into a trend that when Chris leaves for work I get really into cooking. When he is home, I get too distracted to want to make anything fun. It should be the other way around and hopefully next time he is back I will get creative juices flowing!

Today I made homemade veggie burgers using:

-Orange and Green Lentils
(prepare these in advance until tender, as you would quinoa or rice)
-Chopped Green Onion
-Chopped Basil
-Black Beans
-Chopped Carrots
-Chopped Mushrooms

I always estimate amounts based on what vegetables I like more, feel free to add or remove any vegetables depending on your own taste!

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix with garlic, salt, pepper, turmeric, siracha, and garlic powder to taste.

Then place all ingredients in a blender until it is blended together (doesn't have to be finely blended).

Form into burger patties and bake in oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Then lightly brown sides using a frying pan. Add what you usually would to your burger and enjoy. This burger has a mixture of vegetables, carbs, and protein...the perfect combination :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Homemade Shampoo Week 5 Update

Five weeks ago I started making my own Shampoo and Conditioner. I can finally say that my hair is over the adjustment period and I LOVE using it. I made a slight adjustment and created a new shampoo with baking soda, cornstarch, water, and castile soap. Baking soda is a cleaner and cornstarch absorbs oil. Eventually, I want to just use baking soda and water with a little cornstarch but I am gradually getting there. I left the conditioner the same and I have found that I only need to wash my hair every 2-3 days which is much better for the health of your hair. I truly believe that shampoos are harsh on our hair and use so many ingredients that we don't need. When I used regular shampoo, I had to wash my hair every day and even some nights after washing my hair in the morning it still felt like I could wash it again. My hair grew so slow using regular shampoo and it currently is growing at a much faster rate then it has ever before. It feel soft and healthy and I am so happy that I made the switch. I know I am saving so much money through this method and feel like my hair is cleaner and much easier to work with.

Another thing I have been doing differently is not combing my hair right after I get out of the shower. It is probably obvious to most people not to do that but I had a bad habit of always combing immediately when I got out. I shed soooo much hair! It was not the best thing to be doing. I now wait for it to air dry halfway and then brush from the roots to the top. This way, I am not tearing out my hair and losing a ton of it from the way I so aggressively try to brush. Just another quick suggestion :)

Overall I recommend to everyone to try making their own shampoo. Perhaps in the summer it will be easier because the adjustment period won't be embarrassing when you have to go to classes. I have learned that applying cornstarch to your hair with a makeup brush is more effective then applying baby powder to keep it looking fresh the next day. Hope to hear success stories for other people out there.

Eye Makeup Remover plus more

So I finally caught the Pinterest bug..a little behind but I am really enjoying it. I found a recipe for homemade eye makeup remover that I have yet to try but all it required was Baby Oil, Tear Free Baby Shampoo, and Water. Sounds easy enough to me! And much cheaper in the long run. I will post updates once I get around to making it, I am still trying to use up the one that I currently have.

On the subject of Baby Oil, I have been using it as a moisturizer for my body. It only contains two ingredients, smells amazing and keeps your skin soft and hydrated. Not to mention it is under $3 for 15 oz. I am really enjoying it and feel good about putting less chemicals on my skin. Baby oil can also be used to shave your legs and keep skin hydrated. Definitely need to try that one too.

I also read the other day that applying Petroleum jelly to your eyelashes will help them grow. Petroleum jelly is supposed to nourish them and keep them hydrated therefore making them grow faster. I also love Petroleum jelly as a lip moisturizer so it has multiple uses :)

The last trick I am using is Argan Oil on the roots of my hair after a shower. I am only doing this 1-2 times/week because it creates a lot moisture and a little goes a long way. Argan oil keeps your hair soft, nourished, and hydrated. If you are trying to grow your hair out or just want healthy hair in general, it is important to keep the roots healthy and strong. Argan oil is also wonderful for your skin but I am really enjoying the Grapeseed oil moisturizer so I haven't yet used it on mine.

More updates to come later!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Homemade Almond Milk

For any Almond Milk lovers out there, I have the process in which we used to make our own Almond milk.

You will need:

1 Bag of Raw Almonds

This was honestly so easy and very few resources were needed.

We first started by soaking our almonds for about 3 hours in order for them to expand and hold in more of their milk and liquid.

After your almonds are soaked, you blend them in a food processor or blender. Rule of thumb is about 1 cup almonds to 4 cups water. You may have to blend in shifts if you want to blend the entire bag which I would recommend so that you get more almond milk. Feel free to add a dash of cinnamon or any other sources of sweetness you prefer.

After blending your almonds, you will need to strain the milk from the almond pulp. We used a strainer, however; a cheese cloth would also suffice. 

Once your milk is strained, it should come out creamy and smooth.

Store in containers and enjoy :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cardio infused Pilates workout

It was hard for me to talk during this workout because I was out of breath! It will get your heart pumping and blood flowing. While you keep your lungs at work there is also full body toning. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

All around abs

I have another ab video for you! I think this one is a little bit more challenging than the last one. What do you think?

Losing your love handles

I hear a lot of girls complain about their love handles and muffin tops and now you don't have to! These are some of the best exercises for toning up that area. Hope you guys enjoy it!

No weights or push up arm workout.

Here is a quick arm series that's going to tone up your arms! It really focuses on hitting the tiny muscle groups in your arms. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your Ideal Weight

Getting ready for a big occasion is always a lot of fun. I love getting dressed up and feeling my best for a fun event. Whether it be a concert, wedding, banquet, or anything that is meaningful I think the preparation is always exciting. If you are anything like me, you want to be wearing something that you feel your best in and that you wouldn't normally wear to casual events. I have found that over the years, I love to get dressed up and find new clothes to wear (it is dangerous living by all of these great shopping centers in Atlanta).

Being at "that age" I am at, friends are starting to get married, I will be getting married, and there are more events to look forward to. I have heard about many girls who are standing up in weddings or having a wedding of their own who are drastically trying to lose weight way too close to their big day and I can't help but think that it has to be easier then that to look and feel your best on such an important day.

Do you have a day you are looking forward to down the line? Or a vacation you want to get fit for? Give yourself plenty of time to do so and instead of just focusing on being fit for that day or week, focus on being fit in general. Once you make the decision to make a healthy lifestyle a priority, you will find that you will always look and feel your best. When you gradually get yourself to where you want to be, you will surpass the hungry headaches, the fatigue, and the yo yo effect of gaining everything back you worked so hard to lose.

When girls who are appear healthy say they need to lose tons of weight for their wedding, I feel sad because I think they are beautiful the way they are and obviously their fiances's thought so too. You don't have to change your entire appearance for one day, be true to who you are and feel confident in the body you have.

Can you believe some brides use a feeding tube to lose weight? :(

I also am a believer that your body has an ideal weight. Your body will regulate itself to that weight and it is the weight that you feel your strongest at. I know for me, if I am training and then lose even a pound from all the running, I feel horrible and much more fatigued. My body alerts me instantly and making a minor change to my intake gets me back to feeling balanced and energized.

So my advice is eat a clean diet so that your body finds where it needs to be, so that your mind functions more efficiently, and so that you are confident and energized. Maybe you are actually under your ideal weight and not eating nutritional foods because you feel like you don't have enough time in your day to do so? Maybe you are at your ideal weight and feel sluggish because you overcompensate with caffeine and packaged meals that aren't necessarily fattening but don't provide adequate energy to you? I believe that if you take a step back and:

1. Ask yourself how is my energy?

2. Ask yourself what foods could I get more of?

3. Ask yourself what foods are not really providing me any benefit in my diet?

These are three small baby steps that can start you on the right track. Once you ask yourself these 3 things, a lot of progress can be made. But I encourage you to start small and never jump into anything related to your health cold turkey.

Prioritize your health and energy :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

10 minute tushie toner

Alright guys, here's a 10 minute video that focuses on toning the tush. Again, please excuse my awkwardness...I get camera shy.

Time crunch ab workout

I know it's hard to workout when you're on a time limit, especially when you have a busy day. Here is a short ab workout that you can do when your time is short. Enjoy! If you have any workout suggestions comment and let us know.

Homemade Shampoo Update-Week 3

Week 3 roots (finally almost normal- I would not have posted roots at week 1!)

Week 3

Week 1 (notice the bobby pin, necessary at that point)

It has been 3 weeks since I have stopped using store bought shampoo and made the switch to using my own homemade one. Weeks 1 and 2 were a test of if this was worth sticking out. I felt like my hair was growing faster and was soft, but it just felt like when you put too much conditioner and your hair is oily/clean all day. I would make jokes that it always looked like I just got out of the shower, even though my hair smelled great and I knew was healthy, I still wasn't sure if I wanted to proceed. In order to combat the adjustment period, I wore my hair up a lot, wore side braids, and bobby pins to keep it looking okay.

Here at week 3, I have definitely seen a change. I won't lie and say that my hair has 100% gotten through the adjustment; however, I think that at week 4 it will definitely be where I want it to be. I can tell that it has grown a lot faster then usual. My hair generally is slow growing and feels like it never will change lengths. I have also noticed that my roots feel a lot less oily then they did in the first two weeks. I find it weird that when I wake up in the morning, my hair actually feels great compared to the night before. After sticking out this process, I would definitely now recommend that you give it a try. Whether you want longer hair, healthier hair, or just want to save some money, I think that this is the route to go.

There are many other homemade shampoo recipes online and this was one in particular that I thought seemed easy enough. I am sure the other ones work great too, I have seen one that is just baking soda and water. Maybe I will eventually make that switch, but I enjoy the scented essential oils in my shampoo and the smell of the Castile soap. I find it interesting that the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse does not leave my hair smelling like vinegar at all after I use it. I think the tea that I added to it as well as the Rosemary really helped with that.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Banana Carrot Muffins

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to cook but hate to bake. Not because I don't like baked foods but because generally mine just don't turn out. I am excited to share my Banana Carrot Muffin Recipe because for one of the first times, my baking turned out!

You will need:

1 Ripe Banana
1 egg
3 Carrots (finely blended)
2 tbs Olive Oil
2 tbs flaxseed
1 Cup Oats
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup Sugar (I used Sugar in the Raw, not a fan of artificial sweeteners so if you really can't bare adding sugar you could use a little applesauce but honestly it won't kill you to use the real thing when its a very small amount)
Dash of Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 1/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour


Preheat oven to 400 and lightly spray your muffin pan.


Mix together all dry ingredients followed by egg


Add the Olive Oil, Banana, and Carrots and stir until fully mixed.


Place the batter in the tin, bake for 18-23 minutes.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Textbook Arm Workout

Please excuse my awkwardness it was my first video ever.

Now in this video I mention how this is a great replacement for the magic circle. The magic circle is a great pilates workout tool that can be used for things besides your arms, but if you do not have one a textbook is great replacement for your arms. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Hobbies

Though it is very important to kick back and relax when you need to, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep yourself busy busy busy! Humans have the tendency to have higher feelings of self-worth when they do more throughout the day. It gives us a feeling of accomplishment; like we were productive and have achieved something. Though exercises work wonders for the body and soul, there are other things you can do in your free time to ease the mind. I know in a previous post I mentioned hula-hooping as an unconventional workout, but it is also just fun! It is really hard to think about the frustrations of your day while you are spinning endlessly. Also, when you have an LED hoop, the lights just mesmerize you and make you happy! Or they make me happy at least.

In addition to hooping, I also like to make black light t-shirts in my spare time. Clearly I have a little obsession with things that light up, or glow in the dark :)
Whatever it is that you like to do in your spare time, stick to it! It's a good little outlet to escape from the world, and better your mind. When your bed final hits the pillow at night you feel so at peace with yourself when you have done something with your day.

Friday, January 25, 2013

My Top 10 list of Health Tips

Top 10 Health Tips

1-Take a rest day weekly
2-Do Cardio and Strength training
3-Eat every 2-4 hours to keep metabolism up
4-Drink Tea and Water often
5-Know portions based on your body
6-Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
7-Eat whole wheat grains (white offers minimal nutrition)
8-Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up to start metabolism
9-Enjoy your workouts
10-Indulge once and awhile :)
11-Don't let Jenna or I cook crab legs for you, this was a terrifying experience

Trip to the Farmer's Market

I was advised to check out the Dekalb Farmer's Market down and let me say, I was blown away by it! The market is absolutely huge and literally filled with any and every type of food. There are different aisles that have spices, ethnic foods, health foods, teas and coffees, everything. I was very impressed with the prices of the produce especially compared to your local grocery store. While it is a bit of a trek from my apartment, I would much rather shop at the market then fork out extra money on food that should not be so overpriced.

I was also very excited to see the prices of some of my favorite things so low!

Chia seeds for $6.99/lb at your local Health Foods store it is generally $8.99/half pound!

I was astounded to see flax meal for $1.69/lb

lentils for $1.30-1.45/lb

All of these prices are unheard of! Give your local farmer's market a go, you will be happily surprised with great prices on foods that are so beneficial to your diet. I know I will be sure to go back and grab a few more spices and ethnic foods I can use in my cooking.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chocolate Pudding that is actually good for you- too good to be true?

I don't know about you but when I hear the word Chocolate it is all I can think about. I don't have much of a sweet tooth except for chocolate, especially dark chocolate. I start every morning with a piece of Dove Dark Chocolate and I love it. I am a huge follower of the website Fitsugar and frequently view their recipes. I saw that they had a Chocolate Pudding recipe and immediately was interested. I decided to make it myself.

The ingredients:

2 Avocados (would you ever expect that?!)
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
3/4 cup Raw Cacao Powder
1 cup Almond Milk
3/4 cup Maple Syrup (I used Honey because we had it at home) Next time I will use the Maple Syrup..the honey was a little too sweet after awhile

Then you literally just blend everything up and refrigerate it and it is good to go!

I was shocked when I tried it, it tasted just like Chocolate Pudding, and you couldn't even taste the avocado.

Why this is good for you:

Avocados- Avocados are great for you. They are a form of healthy fat and can replace oils and butters used for baking. They are mild so they blend nicely into whatever it is you are making. They also are beneficial for your heart and help with nutrient absorption. I am positive there is a long list of the benefits of incorporating avocado into your diet but I thought I'd just name a few.

Cinnamon- Cinnamon not only tastes and smells good, but it also increases metabolism, improves memory and attention, alleviates mental stress, and can reduce headaches and migraines. Like avocados, cinnamon has endless health properties that extend past the few listed.

Raw Cacao Powder- Raw Cacao Powder has more antioxidants that any food tested. It has up to 4x the amount of antioxidants found in green tea which is impressive! Not only does it taste amazing when cooked, it has a lower fat content then commercialized chocolate.

Almond milk- Almond milk tastes extremely good by itself. Almond milk has a creamier texture then cow Milk and fewer calories. Almond milk has much more vitamins and nutrients then cow's milk and also has high levels of antioxidants. Almond milk is free of saturated fat and cholesterol, even though it contains more fat then skim milk. The calcium level in almond milk is almost equal to that of cow milk and it is free of the hormones that cow's milk has.

Hope you enjoy this pudding as much as I do!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

At home workouts

 <--Personally I am not this brave.

Not all of us are as lucky as Danielle to be living somewhere where the coldest it gets is 40 degrees (and she still complains). I am currently stuck trekking around  Michigan State's campus and it is horrible. Today I spilled some coffee on my arm and it literally froze to my jacket. When it is this cold out I absolutely refuse to workout outside. It also does not give me very much motivation to go to the gym either. My alternative is simple; workout at home! At this point I have my favorite exercises memorized, so it is pretty easy to do this. For those seeking cardio, jump roping is a great way to get your heart pumping, and it does not require too big of space. I am hoping by this weekend to have some workouts made for the site so those of you who are suffering the cold weather with me can get a good exercise in at home.

Response to Food Matters Documentary

I realize that I am definitely behind the times and that Food Matters came out in 2008 and Forks over Knives in 2011 but putting that aside, I am glad that I now finally have watched them. Perhaps having a period of time between finishing school and starting work has given me the time I needed to actually sit down and grant some of my attention to something that I view as pretty significant.

After watching Forks over Knives, I was obviously pretty effected by it (if you read my post on it you would get that impression at least). My fiance encouraged me to also watch Food Matters and I am very happy he did. One aspect of the documentary that I really like is that they use actual facts and research to back up what they are saying. In comparing our Western society to the Japanese and the lifestyle differences we have, it seems pretty apparent why the US is a lot sicker than the Japanese are.

The other part of the documentary that really effected me was the emphasis on how much money the medical companies make and how nutritional therapy is often ignored. In treating chronic illnesses, most people go for the "quick" fix of a pill that they eventually become dependent on and experience tremendous side effects as opposed to taking a step back and realizing that a lot of their lifestyle has effected their health. In reality, we are just spending a ton of money and keeping the pharmaceutical industry alive.

By chronic diseases, I mean Diabetes, Heart Disease, Tobacco Related conditions, etc. I am by no means saying that all chronic conditions result from a poor lifestyle, of course there are many things out of our control but I was fascinated that in both documentaries chronic conditions were highly reversible through a dramatic lifestyle change. When you think about it, a pill will stop the condition temporarily but in turn creates many other side effects and also a dependency. When you change your lifestyle, you are benefiting your body in ways even beyond curing an illness. You think sharper, you look better, you feel better, and you are a lot happier as a person.

I was also fascinated by the positive effects that vitamins, natural juices, and Superfoods had and was surely taking notes while watching..dorky I know. In all seriousness though, it is important to at least learn as much information as you can about what goes into your body and what benefits and effects it has on your health. Just as I encourage you to learn as much as you can, I will continue to do the same and open up my mind to other sources. Above all, prioritize yourself first. I don't care if that sounds selfish because it is true. There are many people who care about you and by taking the step to be selfish about your health and what you can control, you will be doing those people a favor and also hopefully helping others in their attempt to find a balanced lifestyle. We cannot control many things in our lives but how we take care of ourselves is all in our own hands and I find that refreshing!

Remember the people you love and mean the world to you and know that you are doing them a favor by trying to be around as long as you can for them. Cheesy with the picture I know but I am a huge sap!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Enchilada Casserole

Before I type up the Recipe, I need to say this turned out amazing and is worth making..I was inspired by the recipe on but changed the way it was made and added some other ingredients. I was not patient enough for that recipe but I am sure that it would've also been amazing. It just required a lot more time and dedication!

You will need:

Can of Black Beans
Can of Pinto Beans
Can of Corn
Green Onions
Can of Red Enchilada Sauce
Can of Green Enchilada Sauce
Canned Chilies
Green Bell Pepper
Jiffy Cornbread Mix

1-Begin by making your filler:

In a bowl, mix together black beans, pinto beans, chopped cilantro (1/4 cup), chopped green onions (1/4 cup), red enchilada sauce, 1/3 cup salsa, corn, 2/3 can of green chilies

Set aside

2-Make your base corn bread:

Follow the directions on the Jiffy box, then add the rest of the green chilies, and about 1/4 cup green bell pepper. After stirring the mix, lightly spray your pan and flatten mix to the bottom. Let cornbread bake for about 10 minutes, it should be firm but not fully cooked. Add the filler mix to the top and gently lay over the cornbread. Lightly pour about half the green enchilada sauce over the casserole. Add whatever else you like to the top, I added black olives, you could add cheese, nutritional yeast (which is simiar a replacement for cheese-actually pretty good).

Bake for 10-15 minutes.


Why I stopped using salad dressing

Everyone on a health kick usually uses a salad as a go to meal or something that will fill them up while getting their vegetable fix in a tasty way. I am sure many people have heard that you can easily make a salad unhealthy by adding too many crouton, nuts, etc.. (even though I am definitely an advocate for adding nuts to your salad for some protein) But what about the dressing?

I used to be one of those people who would buy fat free or light dressing and think, "Oh it is light, it won't make any difference!" In reality, I was wrong and it made a BIG difference. Salad dressings in general are produced with many unnecessary ingredients and fats. Even worse, low fat or non fat salad dressings are actually packed with artificial ingredients that will increase your appetite and in turn result in the opposite of why you use it in the first place.

I will compare salad dressing to artificial sweeteners and other non fat products we see at the store that supposedly make your food "healthier" (with the exception of 0% dairy products) but that is for another post. If you are making a salad with the intention of eating healthy, just be careful not to ruin a good thing by adding all that excess dressing. Surprisingly, a burger or fries may potentially carry less fat or calories then some of the dressing being added which is absolutely crazy!

So what do you use instead of salad dressings?

The fun thing is you can make your own, and they will taste much better than most store bought brands.

Some of my favorites:

The Arabic dressing:
garlic, lemon, olive oil (good fat), salt, pepper, cumin, dried mint

My Miso dressing:

Miso paste, apple cider vinegar, garlic, soy sauce

The basic:

Lemon and Olive Oil

others: plain salsa, Frank's Red Hot (if you like spicy), Guacamole (got a great recipe!)

I am still in the process of whipping up more, sometimes I just mix a lot random ingredients until I feel like they taste great together. I am also saving money not forking out 4 or 5 dollars for a bottle of heavy dressing. If you like a creamier blend, you can always add plain Greek yogurt or mashed avocado for a thicker consistency and additional flavors. Good luck! I will try to remember to post more recipes.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Forks over Knives- A big reality check

As I have mentioned before, I am a healthy person and especially healthy about the foods I choose to put in my body. Being an athlete the majority of my life, I have always convinced myself that I need a ton of protein, especially that of red meat. I have also been told by many to keep eating meat to stay strong and keep all the necessary nutrients for running. For awhile in my life, I took those statements a little too literal and ate way too much meat for my needs. I would eat it multiple times a day and honestly, it was not helping my energy levels whatsoever.

After finishing my competitive career as a runner, I realized that my body no longer needed quite as much protein from meat. My metabolism changed quite a bit as I stopped exerting my body as frequently as I used to. Running less mileage and also less intense paces in turn led me to listen to my body in a different way. My appetite which generally is enormous became a little smaller (not significantly, I'd say I still probably am hungrier than the average person) but for me it went down. I also lost my appetite for so much meat and began to gradually cut out some of it from my diet.

I do not believe in just doing something cold turkey, I feel that drastic changes in something especially like your diet can make you ill. Even in leaning up, I gradually changed my eating habits and fitness routine and noticed slow changes in my fitness. Anything cold turkey generally results in a quick rebound and usually backfires. With my attempt to limit the amount of meat I was eating, I gradually cut it out, eating it every other day or every few days.

It wasn't until I watched the documentary "Forks over Knives" that my perspective on meat and the health of our nation really took a turn. I watched the documentary about 2 weeks ago and honestly felt a surge of passion after watching it ignite in me. I would advise anyone who has not seen it to watch it. There are scientific studies that show a huge correlation in the amount of dairy products our country consumes and the rates of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease that affect people's lives daily. The other interesting part of the documentary was that the rates of these diseases reversed when meat and dairy was reduced in a person's diet.

I want to be very careful in writing this post and make it clear that I am not saying that eating meat is bad and will lead you to diseases. I am saying that everything in moderation is a great mentality to live by and incorporating meat in your diet is probably beneficial to many assets of your health but the amount of meat and type of meat you eat is important.

Our country prides our HUGE portions at restaurants and grease filled plates. The sad thing is, this type of mentality not only effects us, but also the younger generations who are growing up thinking that this is the way to eat. I don't care if you are larger built or smaller built, I care about the actual health of your body and the way it functions. You could be a heavier person with a heart as strong as a horse and that is great! To me, health is not about your size but about your body and how well you fuel it to live efficiently.

The documentary talked about how wonderful a plant and whole food diet is to your health. Grains, greens, beans, nuts, and fruits are all wonderful for fueling you and keeping your heart healthy and strong. Lean proteins as well as vegetarian options often are all going to keep you feeling full as well as feeling strong. Am I saying never eat out at a fast food restaurant again? Of course not! I am saying everything in moderation is important and I would not recommend eating fast food multiple times a week. I would advise anyone reading this to watch the documentary and make your own opinion towards it. I know it effected my outlook on the way I perceive certain foods and I am continuing to learn which choices will benefit my health most in the future. Please let me know what you think of the documentary!